Plant Collection Statistics

Number of plants in records: 2,459,224 (January 2011)

Total of active accessions (acquisition records): 19,795
Number of taxa in permanent collections: 9,084
Families represented: 229

Trees* 13,613
Shrubs* 64,871
Bulbs 908,276
Perennials* 1,270,530
Annuals** 867
Ground covers 164,256
Vines 11,696
Aquatics 24,251
Cyads 29
Cacti 482
Palms 31
Mosses 58
Epiphytes 264

Statistics By Garden

Aquatic Garden 403
Bulb Garden 26,431
Circle Garden 1,682
Dwarf Conifer Garden 8,923
Enabling Garden 375
English Walled Garden 67,464
Esplanade 72,484
Evening Island 288,905
Fruit & Vegetable Garden 29,368
The Greenhouses 8,672
Heritage Garden 16,917
Japanese Garden 74,194
Lakeside Gardens 123,493
Landscape Garden 25,302
McDonald Woods 14,319
Model Railroad 3,819
Native Plant Garden 9,494
Prairie & Marsh Island 511,903
Rose Garden 39,095
Sensory Garden 72,825
Shade Plant Evaluation Garden 6,798
Skokie River 159,899
Spider Island 32,548
Sun Plant Evaluation Garden 4,120
Waterfall Garden 14,441
WaterGardens/ Shorelines 171,490
West Flower Walk 25,737

 * These categories include tropical varieties.
** "Annuals" includes mostly self-seeding native plants. It does not include annual plants in seasonal displays.