Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society
Founded in 1951, the Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society was instrumental in founding the Chicago Botanic Garden. Woman’s Board members are ambassadors for the Garden, and are hardworking, engaged, and dedicated to conservation, education, and horticulture.
The mission of the Woman’s Board is to support the Chicago Botanic Garden as it works to earn global recognition for the positive impact its nature-based initiatives have in shaping how people experience, value, and care for the planet.
Members of the Woman’s Board bring information into their communities about the Garden’s leadership role among national and international botanic gardens, inspiring others to support the Garden’s mission: We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life.
Highlights of the Woman’s Board annual activities include unique behind-the-scenes presentations from the Garden’s horticulture and floriculture professionals, planning and execution of the Garden’s Fall Bulb Sale and winter Orchid Show Sale, and planning and fundraising support for the Garden’s annual Lightscape Preview event. Monthly meetings and special horticulture gatherings include international guest speakers and visits to the many unique public and private gardens of metropolitan Chicago and the North Shore.
Dora Aalbregtse
First Vice President, Programming
Anne McIntosh
Second Vice President
Melissa Corley
Third Vice President, Nominating
Laura Simpson
Gail Seidel-O’Gorman
Karin Palasz
Active Members
Beth Anaclerio
Ann Balusek
Janice A. Beck
Anne Berkeley
Marianne Bestler
Calvine B. Bowen
Sandy Campbell
Kimberly S. Carrow
Lanie Coldwell
Melissa Corley
Sue Cozzens
Jill Danaher
Jill M. Delaney
Mary M. Dolan
Linda Falotico
Valerie Foradas
Anne Frank
Donna P. Frett
Rita Gardner
Ginger Glantz
Jane Hampson
Barbara P. Hansen
Anne W. Healy
Mary J. Hill
Stacy J. Hunt
Betsy Holleb Karp
Carolyn Katz
Barbara B. Kehoe
Elizabeth M. Kendall
Catherine Kirby
Laura Koh
Lizabeth K. Kohler
Judith H. Konen
Nancy H. Kurz
Liz Lavezzorio
Celine M. Lillie
Joani L.C. Lowry
Jennifer Martay
Mary Anne Martin
Anne McIntosh
Priscilla McIntosh
Mary Alice Miller
Katherine H. Morris
Virginia M. Noyes
Kathy P. Paleczny
Cinda S. Pittman
Juliet K. Priebe
Hana Rivkin
Pamela Russell
Angela M. Sandner
Carole Sandner
Liz Barretta Sandner
Virginia Selzer
Susan Sevcik
Melissa A. Shennan
Laura Simpson
Elizabeth Philips Sorich
Susan H. Spears
René Svach
Jennifer Tarr
Jennifer Tippet
Susan M. Tupper
Sophie Twichell
Valerie A. Wheeler
Honorary Members
Elizabeth R. Crowe
Virginia M. Noyes
Associate Members
Mary Boyer
Catherine H. Denkla
Lynn B. Foster
Michelle McCarthy
Patti Ross
Elizabeth I. Schroeder
Nonresident Members
Elizabeth E. Horne
Roberta D. Lynch
Barbara J. Metzler
Brooks M. Morgan
Carole Read
Heather S. Scott
Jeanette H. Van Nice