Music on the Esplanade

Flora, Fauna, and Folk: An Evening of Science and Storytelling

Storytelling Performances

June 12, July 17, and August 21  
6 – 7:30 p.m. 

Scott Whitehair — Chicago-based storyteller, producer, and teaching artist

He is the producer of This Much Is True, now in its 16th year, the creator of Story Lab Chicago, which has put 850+ new or first-time tellers on stage since 2011, co-host of Story Vroom Vroom, Evanston's monthly storytelling party, and the director of Do Not Submit, a series of community open mics all over the Chicago area designed to connect neighbors through storytelling. Scott tells stories anywhere someone will listen — at festivals, shows, and recording studios, but also in kitchens, parking lots, and diners.

The performances in this series will each offer a unique tapestry of story, woven of the personal narratives of scientists, folktales addressing our relationship with nature from professional storytellers, and memories shared from stage by attendees. 


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