42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14710999, -87.7898941
Aiko Chirita
Chirita (Chirita 'Aiko') is an interesting member of the African violet (Gesneriaceae) family, an excellent choice for the windowsill or light garden. A hybrid of C. eburnea and C. subrhomboidea, it reaches a compact height of 6 to 12 inches with yellow flower sprays clustered on the ends of the outreaching stems. The abundant, bright yellow flowers open one at a time from buds at the end of the flowering stalks, above medium green, quilted foliage. Grown in moist soil, it's a strong and vigorous plant appreciated both for blooming during the cooler months of the year and for remaining contained. The plant does not set seed and is propagated by leaf cuttings. Genus Chirita contains 77 species, all of which are native to the Indo-Malaysian region.