42.14410782, -87.78581238
42.14467239, -87.7858429
42.14762115, -87.78822327
42.14762115, -87.78805542
42.14762497, -87.78813934
42.14844894, -87.79222107
42.14845276, -87.7922287
Spring Beauty
Spring beauty is an ephemeral wildflower native to the Midwest. It prefers moist, organically rich soil and thrives in woodlands, prairies, and meadows in full sun to part shade. The five-petaled, star-shaped flowers, which appear from March through June on thin, 4- to 6-inch stems, are white with pink veins and anthers. The foliage consists of narrow, dark green, grass-like leaves. The plant emerges from small underground tubers called corms. It is edible, with a taste reminiscent of chestnuts. The leaves continue to spread, even when the flowers are dormant, forming a naturalized ground cover.