42.14277267, -87.78530884
42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14605331, -87.79018402
42.14605331, -87.79016876
42.14605713, -87.79016113
42.14606476, -87.79016113
42.14607239, -87.79014587
42.14608002, -87.79014587
42.14608002, -87.79013824
42.14608765, -87.79014587
42.14608765, -87.79013824
42.14609146, -87.79020691
42.14609909, -87.79021454
42.14609909, -87.7901535
42.14610291, -87.79022217
42.14610672, -87.79014587
42.14611053, -87.79016113
42.1473465, -87.78775787
42.14735031, -87.7877655
42.14735413, -87.78775787
42.15219498, -87.78604126
42.15219498, -87.78601837
42.15220642, -87.78603363
42.15221786, -87.78601074
42.15221786, -87.78599548
42.15222168, -87.786026
42.15222931, -87.78601074
42.15223312, -87.78599548
42.15223694, -87.78601837
42.15224075, -87.78547668
VANILLA SPICE summersweet (or sweet pepperbush) is a cultivar of a deciduous shrub that is native to the eastern US. Its name is derived from the prolific fragrant white flowers that appear at the height of summer and that attract butterflies and birds. The flowers are produced on vertical flower spikes up to a foot long.
The shrub grows to 6 feet high and wide depending on the location and growing conditions. Summersweet is tolerant of a range of garden conditions, including shade, damp soils, and clay. It flowers on new wood, so prune in late winter. This versatile plant is suitable for borders, screens, or as a specimen plant.