Lilium 'Montreux'

42.14828873, -87.79238129

Asiatic Upfacing Lily

Lilium ‘Montreux ‘has stunning soft dusty rose flowers, generously speckled and upfacing. The flowers are 3 to 6 inches on stems that stand 3 feet tall in late spring to early summer. This is one of the taller Asiatic hybrids. Asiatic hybrids are the easiest lilies to grow, are quite winter hardy and reproduce readily. They generally bloom earlier than other lilies and will have a higher bud count on a straight stem. Typically they are not fragrant. Asiatic hybrids are the easiest lilies to grow, are quite winter hardy and reproduce readily. They generally bloom earlier than other lilies and will have a higher bud count on a straight stem. Typically they are not fragrant. The grace and beauty of this lily makes it a lovely addition to the garden. Lilies love full sun, but will do well in partial shade. They tolerate hot summer days, as long as the bulbs are deep enough to remain cool. Lower plants surrounding the lilies will help protect their roots from drying out. Lilies make an excellent cut flower with long lasting blooms and buds that continue to mature and open after cutting.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
May - June
Bloom Color:
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
2 - 8