Science Career Continnuum

Science Career Continnuum

Science Career Continuum

Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School
of the Chicago Botanic Garden

The Science Career Continuum (SCC) is a collection of connected summer programs for Chicago Public School students who are interested in science, nature, and plants. It includes Science First 1 for grades 7 – 8, Science First 2 for grades 9 – 10, College First for grades 11 – 12, and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), and provides opportunities for students to participate over multiple years on their pathway to college.

Science First: Grades 7 – 8 

Middle schoolers make new friends who share a love of science and nature in this three-week summer program for Chicago Public Schools (CPS) students rising to grades 7 and 8. Students perform science investigations, participate in group projects, take field trips, and do other fun activities as they learn about nature, biology, ecology, environmental justice, and other related topics. This program is free. Transportation and lunch are provided.  

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 15


Science Career Continuum: Science First

Science First: Grades 9 – 8 

Rising CPS freshmen and sophomores come to the Garden every day for four weeks and get paid to learn about nature, biology, ecology, environmental justice, and related topics while engaging in fun science-related activities. Students work together on group projects and present them to family and friends at the end of the session. This program is free, and transportation is provided. Many participants find ways to connect the summer experience to their school-year classes. 

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 15


Science Career Continuum: College First

Collage First: Grades 11 – 12 

CPS students rising to grades 11 and 12 join us for seven weeks of science enrichment that includes a college-level environmental science course designed for them, mentorship, and a summerlong research project, field trips, and a paycheck. Students present their research to family and friends at the end of the summer. This program continues through the school year with monthly meetings and support as students select and apply for colleges. Transportation is provided and students receive monetary stipends for participation during the school year.  

Application deadline: Tuesday, April 15


Thank you

The SCC is made possible by the generous support of an anonymous donor, Alvin H. Baum Family Fund, William J. Clancy Foundation, Discover Financial Services, Lloyd A. Fry Foundation, the Handelsman Family Foundation, Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust, Mazza Foundation, Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation, and the Trillium Foundation.