42.14608765, -87.79073334
At the end of a ten-year trial of Rodgersias here at Chicago Botanic Garden, 'Kupfermond' was a top performer. Emerging foliage was a deeper richer red bronze than other plants in the test, turning to bronze-edged green by late May. It also proved reliably bushy over the years...maturing to more than 5-feet wide, with flowering spikes up to 6 feet tall.
In the shade garden,Rodgersias give you a bold counterpoint to the delicate airy foliage common to so many shade plants in our area. The leaves of certain varieties can be 2 feet long, giving them the visual impact of a tropical. Yes, they do bloom, but not profusely and not reliably, at least in our climate. The drama's in the foliage. Give them time to get established, dappled sun, and consistent moisture, and they'll thrive.