42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14784622, -87.78910065
42.14786148, -87.78907776
42.14788055, -87.78909302
42.14788055, -87.78907776
42.14788055, -87.78907013
42.14788818, -87.78907013
42.14789963, -87.78907776
42.14791107, -87.78908539
42.14791489, -87.78908539
42.1479187, -87.78910065
42.14792252, -87.78910065
42.14792252, -87.78908539
42.14792633, -87.78910065
Hybrid Tea Rose
Love and Peace® rose (Rosa 'Baipeace') is a hybrid tea rose, featuring long, pointed buds with flowers that open golden-yellow, edged in pink. The fragrance is described as fruity and is not overpoweringly strong. Unlike many other hybrid teas, the foliage remains on the stem all the way to the ground throughout the growing season, eliminating the need to plant annuals in front of the rose to hide the "ugly ankles." It is hardy to USDA Zone 6, so plants must be protected in the Chicago region over winter with a layer of leaves or mulch about 18 inches high over the crown. Love and Peace® rose is also prone to black spot and powdery mildew, two banes of rose growers everywhere. This particular cultivar is an offspring of the famous Peace rose introduced shortly after World War II.