42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.147789, -87.78941345
42.14779663, -87.78939056
42.14780045, -87.78942871
42.14780426, -87.78941345
42.14781189, -87.78942871
42.14781189, -87.78939056
42.1478157, -87.78948975
42.1478157, -87.78943634
42.14782333, -87.78946686
42.14782333, -87.78942871
42.14782333, -87.78941345
42.14788055, -87.78897095
42.14788055, -87.78896332
Hybrid Tea Rose
Opening Night (Rosa 'Jacolber') is a tall-growing hybrid tea rose—to 4 feet—featuring clear, fire-engine red, 5-inch blooms with just a hint of fragrance. This cultivar produces 16-inch long stems and is perfect for cutting and bringing indoors. The parents of this cultivar are two of the best red hybrid tea roses, 'Olympiad' and 'Ingrid Bergman'. Site this heat-tolerant cultivar toward the back of the flower bed to accommodate its height. Opening Night hybrid tea rose is the first red hybrid tea rose to win the prestigious All American Rose Society selection in the last 14 years.