42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14430618, -87.78837585
42.14431763, -87.788414
42.14432144, -87.78845978
42.14432144, -87.78842163
42.14432526, -87.78845215
42.14432907, -87.78845215
42.14436722, -87.78823853
42.14451981, -87.78769684
42.14452362, -87.78768921
42.14452362, -87.78768158
42.14474106, -87.78756714
42.14569092, -87.78970337
42.14580917, -87.79068756
42.14598465, -87.78980255
42.14598846, -87.78981781
42.1460228, -87.78974152
42.14603424, -87.78975677
42.14606857, -87.79080963
42.14608002, -87.78991699
42.14608002, -87.78990936
42.14608383, -87.78990936
42.14608383, -87.78978729
42.14608765, -87.78978729
42.14609146, -87.78977966
42.14609528, -87.78978729
42.14612961, -87.78987122
42.14613342, -87.79098511
42.14613342, -87.78987122
42.14613342, -87.78986359
42.14614105, -87.78994751
42.14619446, -87.78981781
42.14619827, -87.78982544
42.14619827, -87.78981781
42.14625931, -87.78981018
42.14649963, -87.789711
42.14651489, -87.7895813
42.14651871, -87.78957367
42.14652252, -87.78962708
42.14652252, -87.7895813
42.14652252, -87.78956604
42.14652634, -87.78961945
42.14652634, -87.78957367
42.14653015, -87.78961945
42.14656067, -87.78948975
42.14680099, -87.78895569
42.14680099, -87.78894806
42.14680481, -87.78895569
42.1468811, -87.78888702
42.14767075, -87.79032135
42.15228271, -87.78792572
42.1523056, -87.78794861
American Linden
The American linden is native to Illinois, found growing in woodlands in association with sugar maples. This tree, with its huge heart-shaped leaves and flowers favored by bees for making a fine honey, grows rapidly with wide-spreading branches up to 90' tall, too big for most yards. It is not readily available in the trade, and many gardeners would not plant it if it were. Instead, our experts are recommending a selection called 'Redmond'. Click on the cultivar icon to learn more about it. An immense tree with a top variety.
피나무과의 미국 린덴은 일리노이가 원산지입니다. 단풍나무와 같이 삼림지대에서 자라는 것이 발견되었습니다. 하트모양의 큰 나뭇잎과, 꿀벌들이 꿀을 만들기에 적합한 꽃을 피우지만, 90피트까지 단시간에 자라는 특성으로 가정용 정원에는 부적합합니다. 이 품종보다는 ‘레드몬드’를 더 권장합니다.