Adult Education - Hydrangeas

Coleus for the Garden: Online

Certificate Ornamental Plant Materials

November 16,  
9 – 11:00 a.m.


Adult Ed Horticulture Ornamental Plant Certificate Coleus for the Garden

The Chicago Botanic Garden’s online class about coleus plants is a virtual experience you can take anywhere! 

New! Coleus continue to be amazing performers in our gardens and containers. There are many excellent varieties available and a seemingly endless parade of new introductions. We will examine some of the best selections for a wide range of garden conditions. Discover great ways of using coleus in the garden with a focus on maximizing the appeal and contribution of these popular and colorful plants. 

This class will be taught online via Zoom. All registrations must be submitted online two days before your class starts. Registered students will receive login instructions one day in advance. 

The School's CEUs=2 hours
OPC elective

Mark Dwyer, owner, Landscape Prescriptions by MD