Autumn Photography at Volo Bog

Photography Certificate

Thursday, November 7   
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

$129 / $162

Volo bog

Volo Bog is a 47-acre floating mat of sphagnum moss, cattails, and sedges surrounding an open pool of water. November is a perfect time to explore the area and capture images of the tamaracks in full color. Class begins in the Volo Bog Visitor Center and proceeds with a photography session during a guided tour of the bog. Time after lunch is spent reviewing student photos from the morning. Students must be able to walk at least one mile. Class is limited to DSLR or mirrorless cameras. No phone cameras, please. Please bring a sack lunch. Rain or shine. A map will be sent. 

The School’s CEUs=5 hours 
FPC elective

Jack Carlson, certified professional photographer
Volo Bog Visitor Center