Creative Plant Photography

Photography Certificate

6 Wednesdays:
May 8 – June 12
9:30 a.m. – noon


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Creative Plant Photography Anne Houde

Learn to photograph plants in new ways, harnessing the powers of your camera and your imagination to make stunning and evocative creative images. Depending on the weather, we will work in studio, in the greenhouses, or outdoors. Classes will include lecture and inspiration, time for photography, and image review. A digital SLR or mirrorless camera with manual controls for aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, and a previous photography class or familiarity with basic camera functions are required. A tripod is strongly recommended. Ideas for creative post-processing will be discussed (Lightroom Classic recommended). The School’s CEUs=15 hours.
FPC fundamental course option, fine art track

Anne Houde, fine art photographer
Design Studio, Regenstein Center

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