When winter takes its toll—dry skin, coughs, holiday overload—you may find remedies in the natural world.
An increasing number of people are turning to plants to heal mind, body, and spirit. You can take a class at the Chicago Botanic Garden to learn more. Meanwhile, here are a few ways to get started:
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White Pine-Infused Honey
For sore throats or pick-me-ups, clinical herbalist Dawn Petter makes a simple remedy of honey and pine needles (see recipe, right). “Rich in antioxidants and uplifting essential oils, pine is the perfect winter ally to awaken the senses and enhance winter wellness,” says Petter, owner of Petalune Herbals in New York.
Tip: It takes six weeks for this recipe to be ready, so think about preparing it ahead of time, before the cold-and-flu season.
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Marshmallow Root-Infused Jojoba Oil
Cold, dry air can wreak havoc on your skin. Petter likes to make an oil with marshmallow root to use for winter hydration (see recipe, right). “Marshmallow root is soothing, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory,” she says.
Tip: You can buy small amounts of dried, cut-and-sifted marshmallow root at an herbal shop or online at a site such as Jean’s Greens.
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While gathering with family and friends, you might pick up a cough or sniffles along the way. A cup of hot tea with herbs is soothing and healing, and can help you sleep. You can brew a cup of herbal tea with common ingredients, such as fresh ginger.
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Awe Walk
A growing body of research shows that exposure to nature makes us happier and healthier. Some experts, in fact, encourage daily—yep, even in winter—walks outside to lower blood pressure and stress or just take a mental break. Researchers say that the natural world inspires awe, but you have to look for it.
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Get Creative
Head outside, with kids or without, and let nature inspire you. A good way to chase away the winter blues is to make something with natural materials.
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