Budding and flowering trees and shrubs—redbud, plum, spirea, almond—are among the great joys of spring. Under the calm and creative eye of Field & Florist’s Heidi Joynt, we learned to turn those branches into lovely, living wreaths in a perfectly timed class at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Heidi Joynt demonstrated how to layer in curly willow cuttings and delicate flowering branches like bridal veil and bridal wreath spirea.

Sterling Range heather (Ciliatum ‘Sterling Range’)

Flowering plum (Prunus cerasifera)

Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

Pussy willow varieties

Flowering almond (Prunus triloba)
Spring blooming wreaths included “delicate” branches like those shown here.
Most Chicago-area yards have a flowering shrub or tree, much admired when it bursts into bloom in spring. While some intrepid gardeners know to cut early branches to force bloom indoors, Joynt takes the idea in a different direction—in a circle, with living branches forming a perfect-for-the-front-door wreath.
Imagine walking out into your yard, pruning a cluster of branch tips—plus a large branch or two—then starting to fill in an 8- to 12-inch grapevine or curly willow wreath (purchased or handmade). That’s how surprisingly simple the process is.
As everyone clipped and pondered and designed, Joynt offered helpful wreath-making and wreath-tending tips:
- Larger branches of redbud, crabapple, forsythia, double almond, or plum can be strategically wired onto the wreath to create a focal point.
- Add delicate curly willow or birch catkins at the center and the outer edges of your wreath. Bouncing and waving in the breeze, they add movement and interest to your design.
- Hung on your front door, the living wreath can be spritzed with water once or twice a day to keep flowers fresh.
- As flowers drop off or brown, pull the branches out of your wreath and replace them with the next blooming items in your yard. Fresh flowers like tulips and roses can also be inserted by placing them in flower tubes (available at florists and craft shops) and tucking them into the wreath.
- Yes, silk flowers are an option. Joynt recommends www.shopterrain.com for extremely realistic flowering branches.