Rebranding Announced

Meet our refreshed branding

After more than a year of heartfelt consideration and planning, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the Chicago Botanic Garden’s refreshed branding. This update reflects who we are today—welcoming, vibrant, modern—and unites the Garden’s main campus with our plant science, learning, and urban agriculture programs, while allowing each program to stand out on its own. 

Negaunee Institute

The Garden’s center for plant conservation science and research.

Regenstein School

The Garden’s center for nature-based learning programs for all ages.

Windy City Harvest

The Garden’s urban agriculture program. 


Why now?

When we opened in 1972, we had one small display garden open to the public.
Now we have 28 gardens and four natural areas on our 385-acre main campus in Glencoe, along with 13 urban farms in the greater Chicago area and beyond. As a nonprofit organization, we are leaders and mentors in finding ways to protect plants and habitats in our changing climate through plant conservation research, lifelong learning, and community.

About that new look

The logo: Inspired by nature, the refreshed branding is infused with meaning. The logo is an abstract depiction of a coneflower (Echinacea).

The vibrant colors of the logo are inspired by colors found within the Garden. Each color holds symbolic meaning, representing our key programs and concepts. The petals of the six core colors overlap, creating an additional six colors.

The tagline: With three powerful words, our tagline ties together plants, people, and planet, which are at the center of everything we do.

From urban agriculture to adult and youth education and plant conservation science, our roots grow throughout greater Chicago and beyond, harnessing the power of plants to improve lives and grow a better world.

What’s changing

You’ll see the new logo and tagline on everything that represents the Garden, including our website, signs, emails, and hats.

No worries if you have parking decals or membership cards with the old logo; you won’t have to replace them. We’re touched whenever you show your ties to the Garden, so you’re more than welcome to keep wearing Garden hats or any other gear with the retired logo. When you renew your membership, you're eligible for a free gift with the new logo and tagline.


Rebranding Explained

A message from the Garden’s president and CEO

Jean M. Franczyk, president and CEO of the Chicago Botanic Garden, talks about why it’s time for a brand refresh. Our refreshed brand, she says, represents all of our work in a united way for the first time.

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Come celebrate with us from March 19 to 22

Giveaways available while supplies last.


Live Music & Giveaways

Tuesday, March 19, starts at 8 a.m. 
Welcome Plaza 
Performances by Four Star Brass Band, a New Orleans-style brass band. New branded merchandise for sale, giveaways, and Garden Shop activities. Members’ double discounts from 8 to 10 a.m.    

Negaunee Institute Science Chats

Wednesday, March 20, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
Plant Conservation Science Center 
Meet our researchers, hear about their projects, and get a free seed kit.    


Drop-in Classes

Thursday, March 21, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
Regenstein Learning Campus 
Get into needlepoint felting, cooking demonstrations, and live sound meditation at the Learning Campus. Plus, a special giveaway and pick up coupons for future class discounts.    

Fresh Produce

Friday, March 22, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
Regenstein Center 
Stop by the farmstand pop-up in Krehbiel Gallery to purchase produce grown locally by Windy City Harvest, and get a free tote bag.