Roasted Poblano, Ginger and Citrus Herby Vinaigrette

Chef Jeannine Wise, Director, Good Food is Good Medicine, Adjunct Faculty, Kendall College



2 poblano peppers, roasted, steamed, peeled and seeds / stems removed (you can add more roasted poblanos if you want a spicier dressing)

¼ cup orange juice, fresh squeezed

¼ cup lime juice, fresh squeezed

¼ cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed  

3 tbsp fresh ginger, peeled and rough chopped

1 cup fresh basil leaves (remove tough stems)

1 cup fresh dill fronds (remove from stems)

1 cup fresh parsley (remove tough stems)

6 cloves garlic, peeled and root tip removed

2 cups extra-virgin olive oil or a neutral oil like avocado oil

4 tbsp honey or agave nectar, to taste

Salt, to taste (I prefer fine sea salt) 


  1. Zest the oranges, limes and lemons before juicing if you are using the whole fruit for the juice. Reserve zest to sprinkle over salad after dressing.
  2. To a blender, make the vinaigrette by combining the poblanos, orange juice, lime juice, lemon juice, ginger, basil, dill, parsley, garlic, honey or agave nectar and a 1/2 teaspoon salt. Blend while slowly pouring in the oil until all ingredients are emulsified. Taste for seasoning (salt) and adjust as needed.
  3. The quantity of each ingredient in the recipe is a suggestion- feel free to add more of flavors you like and less or omit flavors you don’t enjoy. For example, you could skip the lime juice if you don’t like it and add more of another juice. You could leave out the dill and just use the other herbs- you get the idea! The recipe is a guideline but the most important factor in this recipe is incorporating the flavors you enjoy.