The Chicago Botanic Garden has 385 acres of nature, beauty, and respite to discover.
Members: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.Public: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Regenstein School
The opportunity to volunteer with University of Illinois Extension is a privilege and not a right. All Extension volunteers who participate in or attend any activity or event sponsored by the University of Illinois Extension Program are expected to uphold the values of the University of Illinois Extension Program and conduct themselves according to the following standards. These standards also apply to online Extension activity, including social media and internet presence.
As a University of Illinois Extension volunteer, I agree I will:
It is expected that all University of Illinois Extension volunteers comply with the University of Illinois Extension Volunteer Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with any component of the Code or participation in other inappropriate conduct as determined by University of Illinois Extension representatives may lead to dismissal as a volunteer from the University of Illinois Extension Volunteer program.
I have read and I understand this Code of Conduct. I further agree to abide by the conditions of this document. I understand that my failure to comply with these expectations may result in my termination as a University of Illinois Extension volunteer.
University of Illinois, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Local Extension Councils Cooperating.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.