In light of COVID-19 concerns, the Garden will not be recruiting new Master Gardener interns and will not host an online training in 2022. We will post any updates as soon as we have them.
To find information for online training at other locations, contact your local county Extension office or the University of Illinois Extension.
There is also a non-volunteer training option available—for information, contact Candice Hart, state of Illinois Master Gardener specialist by email at Click here to show mail address
Master Gardener Applicants
Those interested in taking the online course as a Master Gardener should apply through their local University of Illinois Extension Unit Office, following the same initial procedures as face-to-face Master Gardener applicants — filling out an application form, going through the university-required screening procedure, and completing an interview. Applicants must receive approval from their local Unit Director and/or Master Gardener program coordinator to take the training as a Master Gardener. Master Gardener candidates must serve their volunteer hours to the unit in which they register and are accepted into the class.