This is your time: to connect with nature and its beauty, to find new hobbies, to really dig in to all those interests on your bucket list, to plan activities for your grandchildren, and more. Press some flowers. Take up birding or photography. Play bingo with your grandkids. And keep your gardening going. If you are over the age of 62, you also get discounts at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Start exploring now.
Based on a holistic approach, our programming will help you attain or maintain a balanced lifestyle. Explore our yoga, tai chi, or other wellness & fitness classes.
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Try something new
Photography, horticulture, botanical arts: We have a class for whatever you want to explore.
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Support the things you care about
With your help, we can continue to inspire and touch lives through the natural world, and work to protect and sustain our planet’s fragile ecosystem.
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Take a walk
These seasonal walks allow you to enjoy the unique beauty of the Garden in each season while you experience the health benefits provided by walking.
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