Gleanhouse (a Prairie Librarie) & Prismatic Landscape
Andrew S. Yang—Sunderland, MA
Medium: Materials include: greenhouse, vintage card catalog, ceramics, plaster, papier-mâché, collage, books, flasks, dice, custom puzzles, bamboo poles, seeds
Location: Lawn near Thomas English Walled Garden
Artist statement: As the Earth changes faster than life can keep up, scientists seek biodiverse possibilities for the future. The greenhouse, called the “Gleanhouse,” celebrates the crucial role seed banks play in such efforts. If we represent biodiversity as a spectrum of colors, then seed banks are like prisms that help bring about ecologically diverse landscapes, as represented on the lawn through multicolored clusters of poles. The dispersal and crossbreeding of rare plants gives rise to more genetically diverse—and thus more resilient—plant populations into the future.