Maria's Notebook
Introducing Project Rainbow
Imagine a pollen-dusted bee on a blooming flower—and a scientist explaining exactly what’s happening in kid-friendly terms...in “Maria’s Nature Notebooks,” a new series of lively videos from the Chicago Botanic Garden, the natural world dazzles with color, sound, and action aimed at young kids and their families.
The videos are part of Cook County’s Project Rainbow, under the leadership of Board President Toni Preckwinkle. Through free videos and programs for kids from 3 to 6 years old, the project addresses the education barriers and learning loss magnified by the global pandemic. The Garden is proud to join leading cultural institutions and other partners on Project Rainbow.
“When I was a kid, I spent most of my time exploring outside. That's where I discovered the power of nature, plants, and science. My whole world changed.”—Maria, host of the Chicago Botanic Garden’s “Maria’s Nature Notebooks”
Episode 2 - Titan Arum
Episode 3 - Fall Part One
Episode 4 - Fall Part Two
Episode 5 - Bonsai
Episode 6 - The Food We Grow
Produced with Threaded Films, Emmy nominated “Maria’s Nature Notebooks" uses music, animation, and creative camera work to explore the wonders of the natural world. The fun-loving host, Maria, inspires viewers to love and care for nature and the environment.
Maria’s Nature Notebook won a 2022 Emmy, Outstanding Achievement for Children/Youth Content.