Mother's Day
To Mom, with love
If you're looking for ways to make your mom feel extra special this Mother's Day, check out our ideas below.
If you are looking for a special gift, Garden members can receive 20 percent off at the Garden Shop May 3 to 5. There you will find nature-inspired items, from beauty products and kitchenware to cute, cozy Garden attire.
Plus, on Mother’s Day, the Shop will raffle off gift bags filled with luxurious lotion, an orchid ornament, day passes, and more to three lucky winners—no purchase necessary.
Say it with a Gif
Make her day with the beauty of the Garden. Send mom a virtual greeting gif of beautiful blooms by email, social, or text.
Fairy Garden Magic
Use your imagination to make a miniature garden. Transform the bottom of a tree or your favorite container into a little world. Surprise mom or make one together. It's fairy fun for all ages.
Bottle Cap Bouquets
Miniature flower arrangements offer a charming and whimsical gift for mom, grandma, or anyone special.
Gifts for Gardeners
One of the most valuable gifts may be a gift of labor. Tell your mom you will help with weeding, mulching, planting, or hauling heavy bags of soil.
Kindness Stones
Kindness stones are a prefect tribute to her that the whole family can create—even your teen will enjoy a chance to express themselves.
Gift Certificate
With hundreds of classes to choose from each year, your mom will find the perfect match for her interests at the Regenstein School, and you can even take a class together!
Tribute Gift
Show your appreciation on Mother's Day with a tribute! Dedicate a book, brick, tree, or bench by contacting the Tribute Gift Program at (847) 835-8333 or Click here to show mail address.