42.1476059, -87.7911911
42.14774323, -87.79131317
Japanese Maple
Beautiful five-to-nine-lobed leaves emerge early. The plant grows 15 feet in height with a 20 foot spread. Use the Japanese maple as a specimen plant. May and June bring small reddish-purple flowers. The samaras, or winged fruits, mature in fall and turn a rich red. Fall color is outstanding, ranging from yellow to red to purple. This lovely small tree, native to the Far East, can be grown only in very protected areas if you live in Zone 5. It is an exceptional small ornamental maple.
While most Japanese maples designated as "dissected" have spreading shapes, this one is is upright and vase- shaped. Foliage emerges light green with reddish edges in spring. It matures to medium green in summer and turns gold with orange and red hues in fall.