42.14729691, -87.79353333
42.14865875, -87.79444885
42.1489563, -87.79460907
Red Maple
This red maple cultivar can reach a mature height of 50 feet with a slightly narrower spread. It is a cross between two popular red maple cultivars, 'October Glory' and 'Autumn Flame'. In early spring before the leaves emerge, tiny red flowers cover the canopy of the tree, a wonderful sight against a blue sky. The samaras, or winged seeds, turn bright red in early summer and then fade to brown and fall to the ground. Foliage color starts with a blue-green, turning to a bright red, then a deep purple in fall. Red maples are beautiful, but they do not tolerate dry clay soils, where the leaves may become chlorotic, yellowing from an inability to uptake manganese from the soil.