Aechmea blanchetiana 'Oregon'

42.14786148, -87.7904892

Oregon Blanchet's Vase Plant

Aechmea blanchetiana 'Oregon' is a colorful bromeliad which has long sword-shaped leaves with finely serrated edges. Foliage emerges olive green and becomes coppery red in strong light. Flowers spikes are a very showy pure red, including the stems. these are followed by soft yellow fruits. Bromeliads are tropical American succulent plants that are usually grow on the recesses of tree branches or tucked into cracks on cliffs. They grow in rosettes, with stiff leaves radiating from the center. Plants in the tropical American genus Aechmea are called vase plants or urn plants. The bases of their curved leaves collect water and can be home to aquatic insects and microorganisms. Plants take several years to flower and will usually decline after the long-lasting blooms fade, but they can be restarted from “pups”: small side shoots. They like filtered light and loose organic soil mixed with small bark chips or sphagnum moss to increase porosity.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
May - June
July - August
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 12