42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14912415, -87.79349518
42.14912415, -87.79348755
42.14916229, -87.79342651
42.1492691, -87.7933197
42.14928055, -87.79314423
42.15177917, -87.79345703
42.15189362, -87.79032898
42.15195084, -87.79035187
Jersey Knight Asparagus
If you are here in April or May then you'll see the thick, edible spears of asparagus shooting up from the soil.
Jersey Knight asparagus grows to about 4 feet high and 2 feet wide and is usually planted as a root in the early spring. After two or three years, thick edible spears up to 3/8 inch wide appear. Jersey Knight is a male cultivar which is considered more desirable by growers as plant yields are higher as no energy is spent on flower production. However female plants may persist and if red berries appear it is advisable to remove the plant or at least the berries to avoid further self-seeding problems. Japanese beetles are attracted to asparagus.