Betula populifolia 'Whitespire'

42.14403534, -87.78575134

42.1440506, -87.78559113

42.14405823, -87.78569031

42.14417648, -87.78592682

42.14422226, -87.78582764

42.14424515, -87.78617859

42.14426041, -87.7858429

42.14427185, -87.78617859

42.14427185, -87.78617096

42.14428711, -87.78614044

42.14432526, -87.78594971

42.14432907, -87.78594971

42.1443367, -87.78582001

42.14435577, -87.78612518

42.14438248, -87.78610992

42.14440536, -87.78869629

42.1444397, -87.78874207

42.14444351, -87.78878021

42.14444733, -87.78845978

42.14445114, -87.788414

42.14446259, -87.78852844

42.14447403, -87.78865814

42.14447784, -87.7886734

42.14447784, -87.78866577

42.14448166, -87.78883362

42.14448547, -87.78887177

42.1444931, -87.78846741

42.14450455, -87.78858185

42.14450455, -87.78582764

42.14451599, -87.78852844

42.14452362, -87.78842926

42.14452744, -87.7889328

42.14452744, -87.78874969

42.14453888, -87.78898621

42.14455414, -87.78591919

42.14455795, -87.78852844

42.14455795, -87.78833008

42.14456558, -87.78865814

42.14456558, -87.78837585

42.1445694, -87.7886734

42.1445694, -87.78866577

42.14458466, -87.78877258

42.1445961, -87.78588867

42.14459991, -87.7884903

42.14459991, -87.78831482

42.14464188, -87.78836823

42.14465332, -87.78587341

42.14465332, -87.78586578

42.14468002, -87.78915405

42.14470673, -87.78845978

42.14474869, -87.78851318

42.14474869, -87.78582001

42.14475632, -87.78845215

42.14478302, -87.78865814

42.14478302, -87.78851318

42.14480972, -87.78865814

42.14562988, -87.7904129

42.14562988, -87.79034424

42.1456337, -87.79031372

42.1456337, -87.79022217

42.14563751, -87.79039001

42.14563751, -87.79030609

42.14563751, -87.79019928

42.14564133, -87.79039001

42.14564133, -87.79024506

42.14564514, -87.7903595

42.14564514, -87.79024506

42.14565277, -87.79039764

42.14565277, -87.79019928

42.14565659, -87.79022217

42.1456604, -87.79047394

42.14566803, -87.7904129

42.14566803, -87.79023743

42.14567184, -87.79016113

42.14567566, -87.79050446

42.14568329, -87.79048157

42.14568329, -87.79044342

42.14568329, -87.7902832

42.1456871, -87.79018402

42.14569855, -87.79019928

42.14570236, -87.79026031

42.14570618, -87.7902832

42.14570618, -87.79023743

42.14570618, -87.79018402

42.14571762, -87.79026031

42.14571762, -87.79021454

42.14572144, -87.79019165

42.14572906, -87.79039764

42.14572906, -87.79036713

42.14573288, -87.79024506

42.14574432, -87.79026031

42.14575195, -87.79042053

42.14575195, -87.79023743

42.14580154, -87.79034424

42.1458931, -87.79091644

42.1459198, -87.79093933

42.14613342, -87.79098511

42.14639664, -87.79030609

42.1465416, -87.79043579

42.14658356, -87.79047394

42.14658356, -87.79045868

42.1466713, -87.79012299

42.14667511, -87.79005432

42.14668274, -87.79165649

42.146698, -87.79167938

42.146698, -87.79009247

42.146698, -87.79003143

42.14670181, -87.79003143

42.14671326, -87.78995514

42.14673996, -87.79018402

42.14674377, -87.7902298

42.14675522, -87.79180145

42.14675903, -87.79176331

42.14676285, -87.79013062

42.14676666, -87.79187775

42.14676666, -87.7899704

42.14676666, -87.78990936

42.14677429, -87.79172516

42.14677811, -87.79184723

42.14677811, -87.78985596

42.14678192, -87.79017639

42.14678955, -87.79177856

42.14678955, -87.79174805

42.14678955, -87.78990173

42.14679337, -87.79182434

42.14681244, -87.79003906

42.14681625, -87.78982544

42.14682007, -87.78999329

42.14682388, -87.78986359

42.14683533, -87.789711

42.14684296, -87.79011536

42.14684296, -87.78999329

42.14684296, -87.78978729

42.14684296, -87.78974152

42.14684296, -87.78968048

42.14684677, -87.79007721

42.14684677, -87.78968048

42.14685822, -87.79017639

42.14685822, -87.78994751

42.14686203, -87.7918396

42.14686203, -87.78971863

42.14686584, -87.79180145

42.14687347, -87.79177094

42.14687347, -87.78987122

42.14687729, -87.79185486

42.14688492, -87.79191589

42.14688873, -87.78991699

42.14689255, -87.79180145

42.14689636, -87.78986359

42.14689636, -87.789711

42.14690018, -87.79176331

42.14692307, -87.7898407

42.14692307, -87.78983307

42.14692688, -87.79188538

42.14693069, -87.79177856

42.14694595, -87.79181671

42.14694977, -87.79185486

42.14695358, -87.7897644

42.14695358, -87.78948212

42.1469574, -87.78952789

42.14696884, -87.789711

42.14697266, -87.789505

42.14698029, -87.78947449

42.1469841, -87.78943634

42.1470108, -87.78964233

42.14702225, -87.78959656

42.14706421, -87.78951263

42.14739609, -87.79073334

42.14741135, -87.7906723

42.14741898, -87.79068756

42.14742279, -87.79071808

42.14744568, -87.79074097

42.14744568, -87.79071045

42.1474762, -87.7907486

42.14749527, -87.79069519

42.14749908, -87.79074097

42.14751053, -87.79076385

42.14753723, -87.79076385

42.14754105, -87.79073334

42.14754486, -87.79081726

42.14756775, -87.79075623

42.14757919, -87.790802

42.14759445, -87.79073334

42.14762497, -87.79070282

42.14762497, -87.79066467

42.14764023, -87.79077148

42.14764786, -87.79071045

42.14765549, -87.79062653

42.14766312, -87.79059601

42.14767838, -87.79077148

42.147686, -87.79077148

42.14768982, -87.79061127

42.14770508, -87.79078674

42.14771652, -87.79070282

42.14771652, -87.7906723

42.14774323, -87.7906723

42.1477623, -87.79080963

42.14778137, -87.79075623

42.14784241, -87.7907486

42.14785385, -87.78986359

42.14787674, -87.78990173

42.14789581, -87.79011536

42.14790726, -87.7901535

42.14793015, -87.79022217

42.14793015, -87.78995514

42.14793777, -87.79003906

42.14795303, -87.78994751

42.14795685, -87.79019928

42.14795685, -87.79001617

42.14796448, -87.78997803

42.14797211, -87.79024506

42.14797974, -87.79010773

42.14799881, -87.79027557

42.14803696, -87.7903595

42.14804459, -87.79032898

Gray Birch

Whitespire gray birch is a cultivar of the gray birch that may be propagated from seed and may or may not be resistant to the bronze birch borer. It is considered distinct in the trade from Whitespire Senior gray birch, a related cultivar propagated by tissue culture or vegetative propagation from an original tree selected for its resistance to bronze birch borer. Both cultivars are more tolerant of the heat in the Chicago region than other varieties of white-barked birch. About half of the birch trees at the Chicago Botanic Garden are one of these two cultivars.

The primary ornamental feature of birch trees is the bark. Many of the common names of birch trees refer to the color of the bark -- white, gray, yellow or red. Another signature bark characteristic is its habit of separating into thin sheets; Native Americans used this property to harvest the bark from fallen paperbark birch trees to make canoes, bowls and shelter -- practical as well as beautiful. A strong secondary ornamental feature is the usually colorful golden fall foliage. Given their preference for cool weather and acid soil and their susceptibility to bronze birch borer infestations, birch trees can be challenging to cultivate in the Chicago region.

The genus Betula includes an indeterminate number of species of the birch tree; estimates range from 30-60. They are native to the cooler, temperate and sub-polar regions of Asia, Europe and North America -- generally preferring long cold winters and short mild summers. The Chicago Botanic Garden's collection contains more than 40 varieties among its more than 500 birch trees.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
March - April
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Shade Tree
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 6