42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14480972, -87.78638458
42.14551926, -87.78609467
Solar Flare Sweetshrub
Sweetshrubs have untoothed, opposite, ovate leaves with a pleasant, spicy aroma. The flowers, blooming in May and June, have numerous overlapping petals and a fruity scent.‘Solar Flare’ has large 2.5” wide-opening flowers. It’s easy to see the hybrid origin of this cultivar, with burgundy petals on the outside from the American parents, and an inner ring of yellow from the Chinese parent. The breeder was Dennis Ledvena. Shrubs can get quite large, up to 8 feet, and suckering may occur. Plant in full sun or partial shade, in well-drained soil. Flowers bloom on new growth, so the best time to prune is just after flowering.