Cattleya Camerons Magnetism

42.14709091, -87.7897644

Camerons Magnetism Cattleya Orchid

Cameron's Magnetism dwarf cattelya orchid (x Potinara Cameron's Magnetism) is a member of the Orchidaceae family. Potinara is a manmade genus created from several species of cattleya-type orchids. The genus consists of grandparents from Brassovola, Cattleya, Laelia, and Sophronitis. These varieties seem well suited for home culture, due to hybridization and their small size. It can easily be imagined that a combination of desirable qualities from a hybrid would be an outstandingly handsome thing, and many lovely combinations do occur in Potinara crosses. The beautifully colored Cameron's Magnetism is produced from the aurea form of Guarianthe aurantiaca; it blooms with lovely yellow-orange flowers.

Potinara orchids prefer the same general conditions as Cattelya orchids, including partial sun in an eastern or western exposure, and high humidity. They are susceptible to root rot, so make sure to allow the potting medium to almost completely dry between waterings.

The orchid family consists of a large number of genera, each with its own unique characteristics. A common characteristic, however, is the basic form of the flower, which consists of three petals surrounded by three sepals -- often in dramatic and contrasting colors and in a variety of shapes and sizes. Although some orchids are native to temperate zones, most orchids tend to prefer a semi-tropical or tropical environment (USDA Zones 9-11) and have epiphytic roots -- meaning they derive moisture and nutrients from the air and support from another plant; few orchids grow in soil. Orchids usually prefer a diurnal temperature fluctuation -- meaning warmer days and cooler nights -- though the absolute temperature range (cool, intermediate or warm) varies by genus and is consistent with their natural habitat. While requiring adequate sunlight for a stunning bloom display, most orchids will not tolerate sustained direct sun.

Many varieties have pseudobulbs, a portion of the stem between leaf nodes that stores water to help sustain the plant through dry periods. Other varieties are monopodial, meaning upward growth is from a single growing point.

There is an exception to almost every general statement one can make about orchids. The family continues to challenge taxonomists.

포티나라 오키드는 여러 종을 교배해서 인공적으로 만든 품종입니다. 교배된 종의 장점들이 잘 어우러져서 많은 사람들이 선호하는 아름다운 노랑과 주황의 꽃이 탄생하게 되었습니다. 수분이 많은 동쪽이난 서쪽의 약간 응달진 곳이 적당한 재배지인데, 뿌리가 썩기 쉬우니 화분에 심을 때는 주의하시고, 물 주는 사이에 꼭 흙이 마를 수 있는 시간을 주십시오.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Bloom Time:
January - February
March - April
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 11