Clematis x jouiniana 'Mrs. Robert Brydon'

42.14592743, -87.79060364

42.14593506, -87.79063416

42.14593506, -87.7906189

42.14593506, -87.79060364

42.14593887, -87.79061127

42.14807892, -87.79235077

42.14807892, -87.79234314

42.14814377, -87.79202271

42.14818954, -87.79209137

Jouin Clematis

In late August and early September, this bushy cultivar of clematis is covered with hundreds of small white flowers edged in lavender or blue. Like most clematis, Mrs. Robert Brydon (Clematis x jouiniana 'Mrs. Robert Brydon') appreciates a location in the garden where its head can be in the sun and its roots in shade. Moderately moist, well drained soils are ideal. In the Chicago area it can be cut close to the ground in late fall, and it will regrow to a bush 6 feet in height and width by the end of the following summer.

This cultivar was discovered as a chance seedling in the garden of Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss of Cleveland, Ohio in the 1930s and named in honor of the wife of her gardener. The parentage has recently been determined as Clematis tubulosa x Clematis virginiana.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
July - August
September - October
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
4 - 9