42.14757919, -87.79165649
42.14760971, -87.79238892
42.14761353, -87.79238892
42.1477356, -87.79249573
42.147789, -87.79267883
Blue Pearl Spring Crocus
This was the two millionth plant accessioned into the living collections and features a pearly blue base with a bronze base. The interior flowers are an intense silvery blue, surrounding the bright orange stigma. It was bred by noted Dutch hybridizer G. H. Hageman and has won awards from Dutch and English Bulb Societies. Plant 'Blue Pearl' in full sun and well-drained soils, and protect it from chipmunks and squirrels.
The parental species is known as the snow crocus, in recognition of its ability to flower at the first hint of warmer weather in late winter.