42.1472702, -87.79105377
Half Pint Dahlia
'Half Pint' is a very floriferous formal, decorative dahlia, introduced in 2015. The numerous petals are rich coral-red, with a yellow base, and can measure 5 inches across. The flowers grow on bushy plants with sturdy stems 2 1/2 feet tall, which means staking the flowers should be unnecessary.
Wild dahlias are native to Mexico and Central America and have been hybridized into more than 20,000 cultivars. Dahlias like warmth and can be planted when all danger of frost has passed. They can be started indoors in pots to achieve earlier blooming. They require at least eight hours of sun to be at their best. Dahlias are not hardy in the Chicago area, and the tubers must be lifted, cleaned, and stored in a cool, dry place to carry them over into the next season.