Deppea splendens

-87.78970337, 42.14734268

-87.78964233, 42.14736176

42.14733505, -87.78970337

42.14734268, -87.78970337

42.14736176, -87.78964233

42.14736938, -87.7896347

42.1473732, -87.7896347

Golden Fuchsia

This elegant, eye-catching specimen plant produces 2.5-inch mango or apricot blossoms with burgundy or wine-red calyxes and sunset-orange petals that recurve gracefully. Each flower―and the entire cluster―is suspended by a long, wiry stem. An upright evergreen shrub that can reach 6 to 8 feet in height, its leaves grow in whorls of three with an interesting ribbed texture. Despite its common name, golden fuchsia, Deppea is actually a member of the coffee family.

This beautiful plant was discovered in 1973 by botanist Dennis Breedlove while trekking through cool cloudforests in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico's southernmost state. When Breedlove returned to the same site in 1986, the plants were gone, victims of farmland development in the area; the species is now believed to be extinct in the wild. Fortunately, Breedlove had saved some seeds of Deppea and grew them. Any existing plants of this species originated from those seeds. One of the rarest plants in cultivation today, golden fuchsia thrives indoors in moderate temperatures with full sun or partial shade, where it blooms in January and February and from July through December.

흔히 골든 후크시아라고 불리지만, 사실은 커피나무 과에 속합니다. 1973년에 멕시코 최남단의 치아파스주의 산에서 식물학자 데니스 브리드러브에 의해 발견되었지만, 1986년에는 이미 지역 농지개발때문에 발견지에서 사라졌습니다. 현재는 야생종은 멸종되었다고 믿어집니다. 현재 남아있는 종자는 그때 보존되었던 것입니다. 실내에서 주로 자라고, 1,2월과 7-12월에 꽃을 피웁니다.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Bloom Time:
January - February
July - August
September - October
November - December
Bloom Color:
Landscape Use:
Bedding or Border
Specimen Plant
Wildlife Interest:
Attracts Birds
Attracts Butterflies
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
10 - 11