42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14669418, -87.79192352
42.14675522, -87.79180145
42.14675903, -87.79180145
42.14677811, -87.79190826
42.14679718, -87.79176331
42.14680481, -87.79177094
42.15121078, -87.79097748
Aurora Bleeding Heart
Dicentra Formosa 'Aurora' is also known as fern-leaf bleeding heart. It has white heart shaped flowers in late spring or early summer which dangle in clusters from long leafless stems. At the bottom of each heart shaped flower there is an inner petal protruding out which is reminiscent of a drop of blood and gives the plant the name “bleeding heart”. The foliage is grayish green and fernlike. The plant is attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies while resistant to deer and rabbits. It is hardy in zones 3-7. The name dicentra comes from the Greek words dis meaning twice and kentron meaning a spur for the two-spurred flower.