Dioon spinulosum

42.15177155, -87.78941345

42.15224075, -87.78547668

Giant Dioon

The giant dioon is a tall cycad that is native to the low altitude, rocky rainforests of southern Mexico. It has numerous branches growing from central trunk with tough shiny green leaves that have sharp leaflets and small thorns. Ouch! Be careful when handling this plant. Although it is sometimes called a gum palm it is not a palm and is actually a cycad, an ancient group of plants that bear cones.

The giant dioon can grow to 35 feet in its natural habitat but in cultivation it is usually seen as a specimen tub plant of around six feet tall and wide. It prefers a partly sunny location and moist but well-drained soil. This plant is not hardy in Chicago but can be overwintered in a warm well-lit location.

Plant Shape:
Full Sun
Partial Shade
Landscape Use:
Specimen Plant
Plant Type:
Hardiness Zone:
9 - 11