42.14709473, -87.79013062
42.14709473, -87.79003906
42.14715958, -87.79010773
42.14717865, -87.79013062
Perle Von Nürnberg Echeveria
Echeverias, sometimes called Mexican hens-and-chicks, are small succulents related to sedums. They grow in rosettes of thick rounded leaves that come to a fine point. The older leaves of this beautiful cultivar are teal, with lavender new growth. The foliage alone makes them attractive specimens for a desert garden, but they also produce coral flowers atop slender purple one-foot flower spikes. Echeverias inhabit desert mountainsides in Mexico and Central America. They like full sun and warmth, but can endure temperatures close to freezing for short periods. They should be watered sparingly, with good drainage. This is an old cultivar, dating to a German breeder in the 1930's.