42.14486694, -87.7889328
42.14490509, -87.78913879
42.14491653, -87.78914642
42.14493179, -87.78914642
42.15114212, -87.79051971
Pinokkio Foxtail Lily
Foxtail lily’s botanical name comes from the Greek words eremos—solitary and oura—tail, a reference to the plant’s spectacular flower spike which towers above its long, narrow foliage. The roots originate from a rhizome with roots extending from a central crown—this must be handled with care when planting as the roots can be brittle. ‘Pinnokio’ produces a spectacular spike of pink, white and red flowers on 5-foot stems in May and June. The plant goes dormant by midsummer. Grow foxtail lily in full sun and protect it from strong winds. It is very cold hardy and flowers best when grown in cold climates.