42.14543152, -87.78986359
42.14564133, -87.78990173
42.14564514, -87.78990173
42.14674377, -87.78781891
42.14676285, -87.78786469
42.14679337, -87.78794098
42.14683914, -87.78907013
42.14705658, -87.79162598
42.14746857, -87.78806305
42.1474762, -87.79193115
42.14756012, -87.78813934
42.14759445, -87.78819275
42.14759827, -87.78838348
42.1476059, -87.78821564
42.15196609, -87.79171753
Brookside Geranium
Look carefully at the flowers on this plant and you'll see that each flower has five petals but the flower is symmetrical. If you happen to be here when it has seed pods you'll see that they have a graceful curved shape, like the curve of a crane's bill. Both of these are features of a cranesbill geranium.
The Brookside cranesbill geranium flowers prolifically in late spring with masses of small purplish-blue flowers. After the flowers fade the plant bears the distinctive seed capsule. Brookside grows to about 2 feet in height and width in full or partial sun and requires regular deep watering during dry periods.