42.14706802, -87.78995514
42.14707184, -87.78996277
Sharon Lobster Claw
‘Sharonii’ is one of the more rewarding Heliconia. The brilliant red-orange “lobster claw” flowers go from April to September, each one lasting three months. That red-orange we think of as the flower is actually a bract, a protective covering for the true flower inside, which is pollinated exclusively by hummingbirds in South America. The dark green leaves, with their red midribs and maroon undersides are attractive in their own right, and help the colorful flowers stand out even more.
For home gardeners, ‘Sharonii’ is more adaptable than many Heliconias. It can take up to 80% shade and keep blooming as long as you give it good loamy free-draining soil and keep it moist. Just don’t let it stand in water. It grows quickly and starts blooming at about 3 feet, though it can reach up to 5 feet.