42.150177, -87.78865814
42.150177, -87.78865051
42.150177, -87.78863525
42.15018463, -87.7886734
42.15018463, -87.78865051
42.15018845, -87.78865814
42.15018845, -87.78863525
42.15039062, -87.78955078
French Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla is a deciduous shrub that grows 3-6’ tall and wide. It features dark green leaves and large clusters of flowers which are either lace cap or mophead in structure. Let’s Dance Easy is a mophead hydrangea which will bloom on both old and new wood from early to late summer. The exceptionally large blooms range from pink/green to pink and back again to green and can be used as cut or dried flowers. Flower color is dependent on the soil in which the hydrangea is planted – blue in acidic and rose-pink in in alkaline soils – and the color will change as the flowers age.
Although the plant is hardy to Chicago’s Zone 5, it benefits from a sheltered site, winter mulch and burlap wrap to protect the buds and stems from dying to the ground during a harsh winter. Plant in moist soil in part shade; attractive when massed in a shrub border or used as a specimen plant.