42.14923096, -87.79264832
42.14923859, -87.79263306
42.14925766, -87.79269409
42.14927673, -87.79237366
42.14928436, -87.79265594
42.14928818, -87.79238892
Tall Bearded Iris
Iris ‘June Krausse’ is a lovely soft pink which will make a stunning addition to any garden. It is a Tall Bearded Iris that stands 36 inches high and blooms late in the season with no fragrance. Typically the stems of a Tall Bearded Iris have 2 or more branches and multiple buds per stem. The blooms are larger than those of the shorter bearded irises. It is attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds and resistant to rabbits and deer. In 2011 June Krausse received an honorable mention from the American Iris Society. Iris is the name of the Greek goddess of the rainbow. The classic ‘Fleur de Lys’ which has been a symbol of royalty throughout history is an adaptation of the iris flower