42.1480484, -87.79227448
Siberian Iris
The cultivar 'Coronation Anthem' has medium blue standards and deep blue ruffled falls. The falls have a creamy white center surrounding a pale yellow blotch. It stands 32 inches high with a single flower on each stem. It blooms in early summer while the thin, grass like foliage remains a highlight throughout the summer . Siberian irises lack the “beard” of colored hairs at the base of each fall that other iris groups have . Typically these irises grow together in thick clumps which keep out weeds. In 1992 Coronation Anthem was awarded Honorable Mention by the American Iris Society and in 1994 it received the Award of Merit. It received the Morgan Wood Medal in 1997 which is the highest special medal awarded by the American Iris Society to a Siberian iris.