42.14277267, -87.78530884
Siberian Iris
The cultivar 'Strawberry Social' is a striking deep rose pink with white signals and heavy rose colored veins. The stalks stand 28 inches high and bear 4 to 5 buds each. It blooms in early season, while the thin grass like foliage remains a highlight throughout the summer. In 2003 Strawberry Social was awarded Honorable Mention by the American Iris Society.
Siberian irises lack the “beard” of colored hairs at the base of each fall that other iris groups have. Typically these irises grow together in thick clumps which keep out weeds. The classic 'Fleur de Lys' which has been a symbol of royalty throughout history was an adaptation of the iris flower. The name Iris was taken from the Greek goddess of the rainbow to symbolize the many colors of this flower.