42.14670563, -87.78994751
42.14680862, -87.79016876
42.14684296, -87.79006195
Manly Double Daffodil
Manly double narcissus (Narcissus 'Manly') is known as a double daffodil because of its multiple whorls of cup segments that become progressively smaller toward the center of the flower, resembling a camellia in form. In naturally occurring Narcissus species, the flowers contain six tepals (3 in each of 2 whorls) that look like petals, with the actual petals fused into a cuplike structure called the corona or perianth tube.
In Greek mythology, the youth Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in a pool of water and was turned into a lily by the gods. The genus name is derived from the Greek narke (numbness) because of its narcotic properties. It's unclear whether the numbness occurs as a byproduct of the excruciating pain caused by the calcium oxalate crystals in the plant's sap when it is taken into the mouth, or whether some other chemical property takes effect later. Deer, rabbits, and other herbivores avoid daffodils, making this one of the more reliable ornamental plants for the Chicago region.