42.14453125, -87.78547668
42.14458084, -87.78543091
42.14516068, -87.78495026
42.14526367, -87.78752136
42.14531708, -87.78495026
42.1455574, -87.784935
42.14567947, -87.79006958
42.1456871, -87.79011536
42.14571762, -87.784935
42.14585114, -87.784935
42.14597702, -87.78495026
42.14598083, -87.78495026
42.14603043, -87.784935
42.14616013, -87.78494263
42.1462822, -87.7848587
42.14629364, -87.78499603
42.14806366, -87.79237366
Walker's Low Catmint
Named not for its height, but for an English garden, Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' has gray-green foliage that makes a perfect backdrop for its bright blue flowers. This cultivar grows to 30 inches in height and up to 3 feet in diameter. Catmint tolerates bright, sunny, and dry conditions once the root system is established. The flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds, and house cats find the essential oils in the leaves and stems to be irresistible. Deer and rabbits prefer other less-minty plants.