42.14105988, -87.7878952
42.14105988, -87.78788757
42.14112854, -87.78794098
42.14113235, -87.78794098
42.14143372, -87.78899384
42.14261246, -87.78713226
42.14267349, -87.78595734
42.14274979, -87.7858963
42.14276123, -87.7858963
42.14277649, -87.7858963
42.14294815, -87.78515625
42.14410782, -87.78581238
42.14421463, -87.78512573
42.14423752, -87.7856369
42.14426041, -87.78556824
42.14426422, -87.78547668
42.14434433, -87.78699493
42.14440918, -87.78640747
42.14756775, -87.79288483
42.14757919, -87.79165649
42.14758682, -87.79152679
42.1479187, -87.79364014
42.14812851, -87.79161072
42.14812851, -87.79146576
42.14813232, -87.79167175
42.14813232, -87.79161072
42.14815521, -87.79163361
42.14819717, -87.79182434
42.14822006, -87.79180145
42.14822006, -87.79163361
42.14825058, -87.79189301
42.14833832, -87.79349518
42.14849472, -87.79414368
42.14850616, -87.79317474
42.1486969, -87.79251862
42.14938736, -87.79348755
42.15026855, -87.79501343
42.15028381, -87.79018402
42.15061951, -87.79129028
42.15097809, -87.79469299
42.15112686, -87.79354095
42.15131378, -87.79237366
42.15136719, -87.79225159
42.15143967, -87.79206848
Foxglove Beardtongue
Penstemon digitalis is a native of the tall grass prairies stretching from the upper Midwest down to north central Texas. It has white to pink flowers and is one of the few native beardtongues that are adaptable to garden conditions — in fact, it thrives under cultivation. It also has a relatively long blooming season and brightens the garden in early and mid-summer. In autumn, the glossy leaves turn a rich red. Various bees are the principal pollinators.
The United States is the center of distribution for the genus Penstemon. Most species are found in the arid and intermountain West, and favor perfectly drained soils and very low humidity.