42.15201569, -87.78607941
42.1520195, -87.78605652
42.15203094, -87.78607941
42.15205383, -87.78607178
42.15205765, -87.78604889
42.15206909, -87.78608704
42.15207672, -87.78604889
42.15208435, -87.78608704
42.15208817, -87.78606415
42.15223694, -87.78548431
Belle Etoile Mockorange
Belle Etoile mock orange bears large fragrant, single white flowers with a maroon blotch in May to June. It is a medium-sized open deciduous shrub, growing to about six feet in height and about four feet in width with gently arching branches. While this shrub is adaptable to a range of conditions, it prefers sunny locations and consistently moist soils, but cannot tolerate poor drainage. Plant this shrub where the canes can arch gracefully and the scented flowers can be appreciated. It makes a wonderful screen or hedge or backdrop to a sunny border after flowering. Prune back after flowering and cut back to the ground if very overgrown.